Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit III Project

Unit III Project

Q Examine your own personality by completing a personality test using the following site: Reflecting on your own personality, respond to this project in an essay, addressing each item below. Include research from at least one scholarly source from the CSU Online Library to support your responses. • Describe how emotional intelligence and understanding personality types are important for developing relationships. • Examine the extent to which you believe that personality profiles can help to reduce workplace conflicts. • Describe personality types of coworkers that cause personality conflicts for you based on your own personality assessment. • Describe a time you experienced a personality conflict, and discuss how you addressed it. Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines. Your essay should be two pages in length, not including the title page or reference page. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations in the proper APA format. The myCSU Student Portal has great learning resources available for students. Please click here to access an essay example to use as a guide for this assignment.

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After taking the personality test, I found out that my personality type is that of a person who has INFJ personality type ( Therefore, I am an introvert with a percentage of 16 for my introverted nature. I am also intuitive with an intuitive personality of about 12%. I am also a personality type with feeling of about 41%. Finally, I have a judging capability of 34% in my personality type ( It is important for every individual in the professional world to ensure that there is empathizing done with individual or individuals interacted with.